About us
In 2019, I had the pleasure of taking over the Schiff Pfäffikon from the Huber family in third generation, so to say. This extraordinary opportunity is a dream come true for me and for this I am tremendously grateful to the Huber family.
This good fortune obliges. I want to share it with you by, together with my team, bringing you unforgettable Schiff moments and delighting you with the quality of our cuisine, the cordiality of our team and the fascination of this extraordinary house. In short: by captivating you with this power spot in the same way that it captivated me the first time I visited the Schiff.

How was your experience at the Schiff? We appreciate any contact at direktion@schiff-pfaeffikon.ch direktion@schiff-pfaeffikon.ch and look forward to your next visit.
With the warmest regards,
Adrian Egloff

Markus Brun

Head of Service
Silvan Kälin

Restaurant Manager
Corina Föhn
Learn from Adrian, Freddy, Rino and Julia how it feels being a part of the Schiffs-Crew.